Panama and Cartagena de Indias

 Panama and Cartagena de Indias

When I travel I do "food tourism"...meaning, I go to local markets to see what people are eating. Here is a little bit about my most recent journey through a couple of markets in Central and South America!

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Ground meat = Beyond the Burger

Ground meat = Beyond the Burger

I am all for burgers using any type of ground meat, but it's so versatile. If you do weekly meal prep then one of the easiest and fastest things you can do is to batch cook ground meat and have it ready to use in other dishes. Today we are going beyond the burger to explore a few options...

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How Lovely the Silence of Growing Things

How Lovely the Silence of Growing Things

Have you ever tried growing some of your own food? You don't need a lot of space to grow plants, not would be surprised what you can grow in plant pots and what you can produce. It can be really satisfying to know exactly where your ingredients come from and to be able to walk outside with scissors and cut what you need right before you cook with it.

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